Corel Linux 1.2

Category: OS
Year: 2000
Description:Product Name: Corel LINUX 1.2 Platform: Linux x86 Language: North American English Media: Open Circulation CD-ROM OS Build Number: KDE Build Number: 1568 MF Number: 120 RTM Date: July 18, 2000 Product Name: 2.2.16 Kernel + Base Packages Product Name: Corel selected Slink packages Product Name: Corel enhanced KDE 1.1.2 Product Name: Netscape Communicator Build No: 4.73 Product Name: Adobe Acrobat Build No: 4.0 Product Name: Macromedia Flash Build No: 4.0r12
Manufacturer: Corel Corporation
Localization: EN
OS: Unix

Files to download

#19687Corel_Linux-1.2.z01114.7 MB0x8298E32F
#19688Corel_Linux-1.2.z02114.7 MB0x23AE462C
#19686Corel_Linux-1.2.zip114.6 MB0x2F1C2BB1

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