Rebirth RB-338 v2.0.1

Category: Multimedia
Year: 1997
Description:ReBirth emulates two Roland TB-303 synthesizers, a Roland TR-808, and a Roland TR-909 drum machine all at once. Each of the emulated devices has its own pattern selector, a feature the original devices are lacking. This allows fast switches between different musical sequences, and re-programming the TB-303 for playing different notes, for instance, is rendered unnecessary. This feature has been adopted in some of Reason's devices. ReBirth also features mixers, a pattern controlled filter (PCF) and some of the standard effects in software synthesizers like delay, compressor and distortion.
Manufacturer: Propellerhead Software
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 9x/ME

Files to download

#18680propellerheads rebirth rb-338 v2.0.1 vst_radium.zip18.7 MB0x89D6967F

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On Saturday August 31, 2019 James Flod said:

doesn't work on windows 7, either I'm doing something wrong ;/