Amiga OS 3.9 Disk Version 3.9

Category: OS
Year: 1998
Description:This is the Operation System of the Amiga Commodore Computers. Important here is that it is the Disk-Version. This makes is somekind of special because now everyone is able to install the OS without mounting a CD-Rom Drive to the Amiga. This is the complete 3.9 OS. You will need 21 Disks.
Manufacturer: Commodore International
Localization: EN

Files to download

#17190AmigaOS_3.9_Diskettenversion.rar7.6 MB0x51EDEC76

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On Monday December 14, 2020 euhill2 said:

Using Midnight commander and unrar-5.6.1, on a Slackware Linux system I had no trouble in accessing the rar archive.

On Saturday January 5, 2019 Deven Blake said:

Ubuntu unRAR says this archive is corrupted.