AutoCAD R13 R13

Category: Other
Year: 2000
Manufacturer: Autodesk
Localization: EN

Files to download

#3702[DOS_Application]_Autodesk_-_AutoCAD_R13_-_Installation_Disks.zip34.9 MB0x726D803F

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On Tuesday November 1, 2022 Majestic Asteroid said:

Anyone know where I can find an authorization code for such an old program?

On Saturday October 23, 2021 Savin said:

Works perfectly fine. The windows version icon shows up as Ms dos.
If it didn't work for you, make sure win32s is installed properly. I found win32s on another website that lso included free cell game for testing win32s.
Before I realized win32s was the problem, I wasted countless hours trying to install and reinstall.
The win32s in pw1118.exe mentioned here has errors, hence you need to find another.

On Sunday May 10, 2020 Iker said:

Works perfectly fine in Windows 3.11 and DOS, creating a install floppy as indicated in a previous post. Windows version needs Win32s (​rosoft/pw1118.exe)

On Saturday February 2, 2019 Emiliano said:

2019 and it works!
Amazing work, haven't tested the crack yet tho. Keep it up, please don't close.


On Thursday June 28, 2018 Laura said:

Faço os desenhos no Corel Draw, vetorizo algumas fotos e etc, e só precisava de um driver DMPL e funcionou direitinho! Exporto para dwg, abro neste autocad e mando imprimir no meu velhíssimo plotter dmpl. Muito legal! Agradeço!

On Tuesday January 23, 2018 The Blue Sorcerer_Gundam said:

This link, it worked for me in my virtual machine with Windows XP Servipack 2
It wasn´t necessary to run it in Windows 98, 95 or Windows 3.1
Thank you for the contribution!


On Saturday April 2, 2016 said:

I was instal... but had a errror...
Fatal Error TNT.10035: 386|VMM: Error reading swap file
What i can do it to fix it??

On Sunday January 11, 2015 leslie giannini said:

trying to find old TANGO cad cam xware.
it was easy to learn & use. need to
make simple layouts. nothing else is
easy to learn or use.

On Sunday August 3, 2014 Sasazinho said:

Grato a disponibilidade do aplicativo.
Tenho o livro "Dominando o AutoCAD Release 13. Ainda não instalei. Postarei comentários assim que conseguir utiliza-lo. Abraço a todos

On Monday March 17, 2014 wizman said:

The key for R13 is: 70FEE2FD
If the files in this archive are the same as I've seen before, you have to do this:
In the root of the archive are files adding up to just under what a 1.44 meg floppy will hold.
You HAVE to place all of these files on a floppy and start the install from it.
The Volume Label of the Floppy should be "ACAD R12".
The sub-directories with all the other files can be on your local hard disk - say... C:\ACADSRC.
The easiest workaround would be to use a virtual floppy driver of course.
AppleSeed '96

On Wednesday January 15, 2014 Solkim said:

Thank you for the uploader. But I can't manage to install on windows 3.11 in Dosbox. It asks for the cd, labeled CDROM. I tried to make an iso file and to mount it, but is doesnt't work either. Any solution?

On Monday January 13, 2014 InvisibleUp said:

Does anyone know what the authorization code is? Thanks.

On Sunday June 30, 2013  said:

Very good prog.

On Tuesday April 9, 2013  said:

Never got the chance to play with the cad program


On Wednesday February 27, 2013  said:

Gracias, en realidad buscaba el R12 pero creo que esta versión funcionará bien.

On Saturday January 19, 2013 Fatygant said:

Can somebody put AutoCAD R13C4 (C4 is important difference here) on

On Tuesday December 4, 2012 jarekp said:

The manufacturer is Autodesk Inc.

On Monday May 28, 2012 manc_alan said:

There is a bug in this release. Dialog boxes are backwards i.e. data entry boxes are right-to-left. This messes up what is being typed.
Does anyone know of a fix for this?

On Thursday December 29, 2011 VorTec said:


On Wednesday August 31, 2011 SamuelChicago said:

Link doesn't work

On Friday June 3, 2011 M.Shravanan said:

gud & occupy less space

On Monday November 9, 2009 knsridhar said:

the software is good and serves my purpose and it occupies less space

On Monday July 27, 2009 JRG_8 said:

tank you

On Sunday June 21, 2009  said:

The limit is normal and intended. The download error is normal but only because it's a bug they've yet to fix...

On Sunday June 14, 2009 Ken Prunier said:

I tried to download something and I got an error message that said there was a technical problem and the administrator knew about it. Then I tried to download something else and I got a message that said I had reached my limit and must wait 7 hours. Is that normal for this website?

On Saturday June 2, 2007 salah (guest) said:

this program is engineering drawing program

On Monday January 15, 2007 Hans (guest) said:

Very advanced (in 1994) program to draw in multiple layers (3D ?), widely used in graphics and design industry.

On Saturday November 18, 2006 TerrySolid (guest) said:

A market leader in CAD (computer aided drawing) software, Autodesk's second last DOS version of it's mainstream CAD application--Autocad