Cakewalk 3.01 for windows 3.01

Category: Multimedia
Year: 1994
Description:Cakewalk MIDI sequencer for Windows 3.1
Manufacturer: Twelve Tone Systems
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#13195Cakewalk V3.01 for Windows.zip1.2 MB0x78C728FC

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On Monday December 15, 2014 ChrisNova777 said:

Installed! Works great! thanks so much for sharing this piece of midi + music production history!

On Tuesday August 5, 2014 Paul Howard Ewing said:

This is the version I really want.
Bought floppy version in 1994.
Floppy corrupt and so are my b/ups.
Bought a usb floppy drive - used it once, now it's useless.
Cheers PHE

On Thursday July 17, 2014 Russ Isaac said:

Fantastic Sequencer, has all the same midi editing as the more recent "Sonar" but much,much faster. Ah! those were the days. Before software designers started to overbloat everything,