Defrag Commander 4 Bootable CD 4

Category: Utility
Year: 2006
Description:Use with caution! I did use it on multiple Windows Versions up to Windows XP &server2003! As with Windows Vista, the NTFS version did not change, but some features where added, I would be careful to use it on Vista or newer versions. Do not use it on SSD drives or other technology than mechanical hard disk drives! The content in the License.txt file contains 2003 as the year, but the dates of the files are from November 2006. More info about NTFS on the wikipedia page and on the MS-Sysinternals page.
Manufacturer: Winternals (now Sysinternals-Microsoft)
Localization: EN
OS: Windows XP

Files to download

#24121Winternals Defrag Commander4 BOOTABLE 2006.iso131 MB0xD3D96A84

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