Windows 3.0r Windows 3.0 3.0

Category: OS
Year: 1990
Description:Windows 3.0 en castellano. Los discos de instalaci?n est?n montados en archivos IMA con WinImage. Ideal para Virtual PC.
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Localization: ES
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#9127WIN30.rar3.9 MB0xDAB90154

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On Sunday October 27, 2019 darkstar said:

Maybe it's the 3.00A Release.
Missing Window 3.0 Multimedia Edition in spanish.

On Saturday September 30, 2017 emyliano said:

Hace mucho tiempo lo buscaba

On Friday December 26, 2014 Brandon Sky said:

Sorry but Windows 3.0R does not exist in nature...