Software made by MathSoftSoft

Windows 9x/ME / Other


MathCad 6 Plus 6.0 Plus

I've been using it since 1995. I got the Mathcad 7 and 8 upgrades and hated them. So, I've been using 6.0+ ever since. Mathcad 6.0+ ran fine on Win 95, Win NT, Win 98, Win 2000, and Win XP. Win 2000 and XP were a little trickier to install. I just took a good install from a Win 95 machine, copied the whole WINMCAD directory and transferred it to the 2000 or XP machine. Then I tweaked the Windows file associations manually. Don't istall it in a "LongName" directory, "Program Files", instead e.g. "C:\Bin\WINMCAD"! After installing, replace the MCAD.EXE with the cracked one. You may copy manually (and register with regsvr32) the VBRUN300.DLL into your WMCAD or system directory.
