Software made by Pixar

Windows 3.x / Multimedia


Renderman for Windows 1.2

Pixar RenderMan is proprietary photo-realistic 3D rendering software produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Pixar uses RenderMan to render their in-house 3D animated movie productions and it is also available as a commercial product licensed to third parties. Serial Number: 2920699891


Windows 3.x / Multimedia


Typestry 2.0

Typestry is a 3D software program released in the 1990s by Pixar for Apple Macintosh and Windows [1]-based PC computer systems ($299 US). Unlike general purpose modellers and renderers, Typestry concentrated on rendering and animating text entered by the user in multiple fonts. The fonts were extruded into three dimensions, with various bevel styles and textures applied during rendering. Typestry creates 3D text with Type 1 and TrueType fonts and can do many different effects.
