Ami Pro 3.1 3.1

Category: Office
Year: 1994
Description:Lotus Ami Pro v3.1
Manufacturer: Lotus
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#15561amipro31.zip11 MB0x5389EFDC

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On Wednesday April 18, 2018 John Chance said:

THANK YOU!!! It works perfectly. Without it I would have lost a LOT of old files. Again, THANKS!

On Thursday December 3, 2015 Graham Percy said:

BTW, the installer won't run on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I tried.... Graham.P

On Thursday December 3, 2015 Graham Percy said:

Many thanks to the up-loader! This works great for me. I unzipped on my Windows XP machine and ran INSTALL from within the unzipped directory. This installed into the default locations and gave me a link to the installed executable which ran just by double clicking. Still looks as good as I remember, I always found the drop down menu arrangement on AmiPro was highly intuitive (unlike others). I have used this to open my old Displaywrite (Display Write) DW4 files and save as other formats which can be read by OpenOffice Writer. (I simply put the documents I wanted to work with in C:\amipro\docs\ which is the default document location)....... cheers, Graham.P