Category: Office

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123 2.2



123 4.0




123R23J for FMR 2.3J


DOS / Lotus Development Corporation


123R24J for J3100 R2.4J

Installed images are bootable on VirtualBox.(Only VirtualBox can run J3100 emulator.) In case of real machine E000-EFFF must be free.


DOS / Lotus Development Corporation


123R25J VerUP R2.5J

Update version for PC-98,FMR,DOS/V


Windows XP / Not specified


1685 Printer Drivers for WordPerfect 6.0 and 6.1

please, follow the instruccions


DOS / Bourbaki


1dir+ 3.51E


Windows XP / Foxit


2007 Foxit PDF Editor 2.0

########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!


Windows XP / Pdfzilla


2008 PDF Zilla Pdf To Txt Converter 1.2.9

########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!


DOS / 3D Graph


3D Graph 1.0

3D Graph Program Maker


Windows 3.x / Broderbund Software


3D Home Architect 1.0


DOS / Corel Systems


4.0 4

Quattro Pro spreadsheet program with ser


DOS / Turner Hall Publishing


4Word 1.0

4WORD is an add-in word processor for Lotus 1-2-3. Unlike TSR programs 4WORD works from within Lotus, using the same menus, using the Lotus printer drivers, and storing your documents inside your spreadsheet. It can copy and paste data between your document and spreadsheet as well link to live cells in to your document. Requires Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.00 or 2.01.



4Word 2.0

4WORD is an add-in word processor for Lotus 1-2-3. Unlike TSR programs 4WORD works from within Lotus, using the same menus, using the Lotus printer drivers, and storing your documents inside your spreadsheet. It can copy and paste data between your document and spreadsheet as well link to live cells in to your document. Requires Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.00 or 2.01.


Windows 9x/ME / Consumentenbond Dutch


500 brieven om uw recht te halen First release

500 brieven om uw recht te halen


Windows 9x/ME / Software 602, Inc.


602Pro PC Suite 2000

602Pro PC Suite 2000 is a completely free office suite for commercial or non-commercial use for Windows 9x/NT/2000 operating systems. It is composed of three components: 602Text (word processor), 602Tab (spreadsheet) and 602Photo (photo editor).



602Pro PC Suite 4.0

602Pro PC Suite is an integrated office suite compatible with Microsoft Office documents (DOC/XLS format). The suite is composed of four applications: a word processor, spreadsheet, photo editor, and digital photo organizer.


DOS / Trius, Inc


A-Lite Version 1.2R

DOS Spreadsheet program.


Windows 3.x / Roykore, Inc.


ABC Flowcharter 1.03

ABC Flowcharter, from Roykore is a flow chart diagramming utility for Windows 2.x. It features the ability to link multiple charts together, and easily break procedures in to multiple steps. Includes program disk, and Windows run-time disks.


Windows 3.x / Not specified



a flowcharter like visio,works well in Xp


Windows 3.x / Micrografx


ABC Flowcharter 3.0

ABC Flowcharter 3.0 - Micrografx Corporation December 22, 1993 MSRP: $495.00 s/n: 0601001053909501 OS: Windows 3.1 RAM: 4Mb Disk: 6Mb ABC Flowcharter, from Roykore/Micrografx is a flow chart diagramming utility for Windows. A program for creating flowcharts, diagrams, and other documents, this version features a tool bar that changes for the current feature being used. This is a 16-bit Windows 3.1 application. Has been run successfully on Windows XP SP3. - AppleSeed 2017 -


Windows 3.x / Roykore


ABC Flowcharter 1.1 for Microsoft Windows 2.X 1.1

This is Roykore ABC Flowcharter version 1.1 for Microsoft Windows 2.X.


Windows 3.x / Micrografx


ABC Smartgraphics 2.0 2.0

Great looking diagrams as easy as ABC!


Windows 3.x / Micrograph Inc


ABC SnapGraphics 1.0

Really simple and intuitive graphics editor


DOS / Migent Inc


Ability 1.5

Ability is an easy WYSIWYG office suite for the IBM PC. It consists of six applications: Write, Spreadsheet, Database, Graph, Communicate, and Presentation. Spanish.


DOS / Xanaro Technologies Inc.


Ability Demo Disk 1.0

Ability is an easy to use integrated office suite for the IBM PC. It consists of six applications: Write, spreadsheet, Database, Graph, Communicate, and Presentation. This is a redistributable set of 360k 5.25" demonstration disks dated 1984. Both ImageDisk and raw 360k image formats are included.


Windows 9x/ME / Ability Plus


Ability Office 98

Ability Office is an office suite developed by Ability Plus Software and distributed and marketed by Ability Software International and which consists of a word processor, spreadsheet, database, plus a vector line drawing application.


DOS / Ability Plus


Ability Plus 3.0

Integrated software package


DOS / Not specified


Ability Plus Version 2.15

Install disk set for Ability Plus version 2.15


DOS / Migent Inc


Ability Plus 1.0 1.0

Ability Plus is an integrated software package written for DOS in the early 1980s. Development ceased in 1995 with the last build made in November 1997. Ability combined write, spreadsheet, database, graphing and communication functions in a single interface called the Library Screen. The main modules were written from the ground up to share as much code as possible so that, for example, a field in the write or database module would call on the same recalculation engine as the spreadsheet and the display and print routines were common to all modules.


DOS / Migent Inc


Ability Word Processor 1.2

Ability word processor pre-installed, Ability Presentation (present.exe) included.


BeOS / AbiSource


AbiWord 0.7.13



AbiWord 0.7.9



AbiWord 1.0.0



AbiWord 1.0.6


DOS / Adobe System Incorporated


Abobe Illustrator NeXT version 3 3.0

Abobe Illustrator NeXT version 3 for NeXTSTEP (m68K)


Windows 3.x / Accent Software International Ltd.


Accent Duo With Translation 2.0a (English - Spanish) 2.0a

Accent Duo With Translation combines a multilingual word processor with an interactive translation tool. English-Spanish/Spanish-English version for Windows 3.1 or up. // Acent Duo Con Traductor, conbina un procesador de texto multilengual con una herramienta de traduccion interactiva. Version Español-Ingles/Ingles-Español para Windows 3.1 o superior.


Windows 3.x / Microsoft


Access 1.0 1.0

First release of Microsoft Access. 9 disks 3 1/2"


Windows 3.x / Microsoft


Access 2.0 fr 2.0

Voil? le tr?s c?l?bre g?n?rateur ?diteur de bases de donn?es. Il est assez rapide, encore bien compatible avec les programmes d'aujourd'hui. Mais surtout, ce qui fait qu'il se trouve ici, c'est bien sur que c'est l'un des seuls tournant sour Win16 Compatible avec Excel (?changes de fichiers) et Word (publipostages) il vous permettra de cr?er des bases de donn?es presque sans limitation.


DOS / Adasoft W.R.


Account 5.53 5.53

ACCOUNT ist ein modernes, komfortables und schnelles, über Pull-Down-Menüs mit der Maus oder über die Tastatur zu bedienendes Buchhaltungs- und Finanzplanungs-programm. Es basiert auf dem System der doppelten Buchführung. Es eignet sich sowohl für Private, die ihre eigenen Finanzen, ihre Liegen- schaften, die Finanzen eines Vereins oder Aehnliches verwalten wollen, als auch für Selbständige und kleinere Betriebe. Die komfortable Benutzerführung und eine umfassende, kontextbezogene Hilfe-Funktion ermöglichen es auch dem buchhalterischen Laien schnell mit dem Programm vertraut zu werden und zügig zu arbeiten. Anders als bei 'normalen' Buchhaltungen,bei denen Fehlbuchungen jeweils durch zusätzliche Gegenbuchungen unwirksam gemacht (storniert ) werden müssen, können bei ACCOUNT die Buchungen jederzeit direkt korrigiert werden. ACCOUNT erspart es dem Benutzer auch, sich über die Begriffe'Soll' und 'Haben' irgendwelche Gedanken machen zu müssen. Trotzdem entsprechen die Bildschirme und Ausdrucke von ACCOUNT den üblichen Darstellungen einer doppelten Buchhaltung. ACCOUNT ist vollständig bildschirmorientiert und kann völlig ohne auszudrucken auch nur am Bildschirm betrieben werden. Buchungen und Korrekturen können in den Bildschirm-Darstellungen der Kontoblätter direkt vorgenommen werden. Einzelnen Buchungen kann bei Bedarf ein Memorandum beigefügt werden. Eine Taschenrechner-Funktion, 18 speicherbare Standardbuchungssätze und eine Automatik-Funktion zum Buchen von WUST-,Vorsteuer-, Mehrwertsteuer- und Skonto-Beträgen erhöhen den Komfort beim Buchen. Zudem ist eine einfache 'Offene Posten'-Verwaltung eingebaut. Als wesentlichste Auswertungen generiert ACCOUNT Kontoblätter, Journal, Bilanz und Erfolgs-rechnung, Monats- und Jahresüber- sichten und diverse Statistiken. Dabei kann unter sechs ver- schiedenen Formaten zur Darstellung der Beträge ausgewählt werden. Alle wesentlichen Auswertungen können auch über den Drucker ausgegeben oder zur Weiterbearbeitung in Tabellenkalkulationsprogrammen und Datenbanken exportiert werden. Der Zugang zu den einzelnen Buchhaltungsdateien kann mit spezifischen Passwörtern geschützt werden.


Windows 3.x / FELITEC Inc.


Account Express 1.2 1.2

ACCOUNT EXPRESS HISTORY ------------------------- Copyright (C) 2000, FELITEC Inc. This file contains a list of changes made to Account Express since its first publication (version 1.0). Version 1.2 - 2000/07/03 ------------------------ Enhancements: In the transaction lists, transactions that have not yet been cleared now appear in bold in order to make it easier to distinguish between cleared and non-cleared transactions. Also in the transaction lists, transactions with a date passed the current system date now appear in color maroon instead of black in order to make it easier to distinguish them from the transactions having a date prior or equal to the current system date. Two new buttons ('New' and 'Edit') were added to the transaction details panel as another mean for adding or editing transactions. Bug fixes: When resizing the tree-list view to its minimum size, it becomes impossible to resize it back to its original or any other visual size. Version 1.2 fixes this problem. In very rare and specific circumstances, it is possible to create two categories with the same name. The system should never allow this to happen as this could have very unpredic- table results. Version 1.2 fixes this problem. Version 1.1 - 2000/03/26 ------------------------ Enhancements: Support for currency format defined in regional settings. Support for three-letter month when defined by the short-date format in regional settings. This option changes slightly the way a date is selected from a date field. Before saving a file, if the file already exists, the file is renamed with the extension '.~acx' so the user can return to the previous version of the file if necessary. When a grid loses the focus, the color of the currently selected row in the grid now changes to a different color to make it easier to distinguish whether the grid has the focus or not. ====================================================================


DOS / Adasoft W.R.


ACCOUNT Pro 1.04 1.04

Netzwerkfähiges Buchhaltungs- und Finanzplanungsprogramm (deutsch). ACCOUNT ist ein modernes, komfortables und schnelles, über Pull-Down-Menüs mit der Maus oder über die Tastatur zu bedienendes Buchhaltungs- und Finanzpla- nungsprogramm. Es basiert auf dem System der doppelten Buchführung. Es eignet sich sowohl für kleine bis mittlere Betriebe als auch für Private, die ihre eigenen Finanzen, ihre Liegenschaften, die Finanzen eines Vereins oder ähnliches verwalten wollen.


Windows 3.x / Adobe Corporation


Acrobat Distiller 1.0

Acrobat Distiller 1.0 - Adobe Corporation June 10, 1993 Includes Adobe Type Manager 2.6 June 10, 1993 Archive consists of 4 - 1.44 meg diskette images. Serial: DEE100R3001172-010-496 Creates a PDF from PostScript. (no printer driver at this early stage). Adobe Acrobat Distiller made its first appearance in Adobe Acrobat 1.0, released in 1993 for Macintosh, and then later for Windows 3.1 and DOS. At that time, no printer driver was included, so all PDFs were created using Distiller. Acrobat Distiller 1.0 /.;;.l/support of PostScript Level 2. The Distiller printer driver appeared with Version 3.0 in 1996, and was renamed to Adobe PDF Writer with Version 6.0 in 2003. When PDF files are created from software applications, such as from Excel or Word, the file gets converted first to PostScript and then to PDF by Distiller. NOTE: The included Adobe Acrobat brochure was produced with Distiller 1.0. Requires: Windows 3.1 4Mb hard disk space - AppleSeed 2017 -


Windows 3.x / Adobe Corporation


Acrobat Distiller 1.0 1.0

Fixed version! Now "" is obsolete. Acrobat Distiller 1.0 - Adobe Corporation June 10, 1993 Includes Adobe Type Manager 2.6 June 10, 1993 Archive consists of 4 - 1.44 meg diskette images. Serial: DEE100R3001172-010-496 Creates a PDF from PostScript. (no printer driver at this early stage). Adobe Acrobat Distiller made its first appearance in Adobe Acrobat 1.0, released in 1993 for Macintosh, and then later for Windows 3.1 and DOS. At that time, no printer driver was included, so all PDFs were created using Distiller. Acrobat Distiller 1.0 /.;;.l/support of PostScript Level 2. The Distiller printer driver appeared with Version 3.0 in 1996, and was renamed to Adobe PDF Writer with Version 6.0 in 2003. When PDF files are created from software applications, such as from Excel or Word, the file gets converted first to PostScript and then to PDF by Distiller. NOTE: The included Adobe Acrobat brochure was produced with Distiller 1.0. Requires: Windows 3.1 4Mb hard disk space - AppleSeed 2017 -


DOS / Adobe


Acrobat Reader 1.0


Windows 3.x / Adobe Systems


Acrobat Reader 2.1


Windows 9x/ME / Adobe


Acrobat Reader 3.01

german 32-bit Version of the Reader


Windows 3.x / Adobe


Acrobat Reader 3.01

german 16-bit Version of the Reader


Windows 9x/ME / Adobe


Acrobat Reader 4


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