Designer 3.1

Category: Office
Year: 1992
Description:Micrografx Designer 3.1 for OS/2. Uses Mirrors to port a Windows application to OS/2.
Manufacturer: Micrografx
Localization: EN
OS: OS/2

Files to download

#22191micrografx-designer-os2-3.1-35.zip9.7 MB0xA2D459AD

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On Wednesday October 23, 2024 Norton Drake said:

If you attempt a full install, install blows up with reading GEM.TRS from archive on disk 2. The workaround is to do a custom install and ensure the GEM file translator is deselected.

On Saturday November 28, 2020 thunderbird32 said:

Note, (at least on OS/2 2.11) this application won't run if you have your display set to more than 256 colors. It won't even error out, it will just fail to run with no indication of why. Switching to 256 colors fixes the issue.