Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows Release 5 Installed 5

Category: Office
Year: 1994
Description:Works fine in Windows 9x/ME/200/7/8.x (except for 64 bits versions). New version Lotus 123 R5 for Microsoft Windows 3.1 and newer (except for Windows 10 and 64 bits versions of Windows 7/8.x/10). SPANISH 1.- Abra la carpeta llamada "LotusAPP Install" 2.- La Carpeta "LOTUSAPP" debes colocar en la carpeta dentro de "C:\Windows\" 3.- La carpeta "Lotus Applications" debes colocar dentro de la carpeta: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\MenĂº Inicio\Programas\" ENGLISH: 1.- Open the folder called "LotusAPP Install" 2.- The folder "LOTUSAPP" must be copy into the "C:\Windows" directory 3.- The Folder "Lotus Application" must be copy into the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\MenĂº Inicio\Programas\"
Manufacturer: Lotus Development Corporation
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#16285123R5W.rar7.6 MB0x95402F73

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On Thursday December 15, 2016 Vito Damiano said:

Category: Trojan
Description: This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker.
Recommended action: Remove this software immediately.
containerfile:C:\ProgramData\M​icrosoft\Windows Defender\Scans\FilesStash\A26D​8700-560E-6087-BE2B-3A80900558​4D_1d257695bb27336
file:C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\​Windows Defender\LocalCopy\{E3C7E4E3-8​3C0-471E-BC5D-36CBC8A34640}-12​3R5W.rar
file:C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\​Windows Defender\Scans\FilesStash\A26D​8700-560E-6087-BE2B-3A80900558​4D_1d257695bb27336->(MPLC)
webfile:C:\ProgramData\Microso​ft\Windows Defender\LocalCopy\{E3C7E4E3-8​3C0-471E-BC5D-36CBC8A34640}-12​3R5W.rar|chrome.exe
webfile:C:\ProgramData\Microso​ft\Windows Defender\Scans\FilesStash\A26D​8700-560E-6087-BE2B-3A80900558​4D_1d257695bb27336|http://vetu​sware.com/output/jaiprzai/123R​5W.rar|chrome.exe
Get more information about this item online.

On Thursday September 1, 2016 Yusuf said:

This installation is not complete, it requires 123R5.INI to be placed in the WINDOWS folder.
Don't bother trying to download it from god-knows-where, just create the file named 123R5.INI in your WINDOWS folder, open it in a text editor, and copy/paste the contents of the "code" inset (in Fragone's post) into your empty file, save the file and restart Lotus123R5, it will work fine now...
To find Fragone's post, just google the following sentence: "Suche 123r5.ini von einer Lotus 1-2-3-Installation" (make sure to include the quotation marks!)