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010 Editor 2.13 (Russian)
Hex Editor with scripting language for plugins.
Windows XP / Soft4ever
2009 LooknStop Firewall 2.07
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
Windows 9x/ME / Microsoft
256015USA 1
256015USA5 and 256015USA8 for windows 98 and 95. More info on it can be found on microsoft archived site:;EN-US;Q256015 256015
DOS / batch files
27 batch files from 1986 backup
27 batch files from 1986 backup interesting for refrence
DOS / Phar Lap
286 DOS-Extender 2.5 2.5
This is the retail version -- OS/2 conpatible NE.EXE, not a EXP (286) format.
DOS / Phar Lap
286 DOS-Extender Lite 2.5
This is a "Lite" version -- OS/2 conpatible NE.EXE, not a EXP (286) format.
DOS / Pharlap
286|DOS Extender 3.12
This is the 286 DOS Extender from Pharlap... Use this with Borland C++/C 2,3 or 4 to create protected mode exe's to run on 286 or greater machines.
DOS / Pharlap
286|DOS-Extender 3.04
This is the Pharlap 286|DOS Extender SDK for MS-DOS..
286|DOS-Extender 3.1
this is a complete set of the Phar Lap 286|Dos-Extender SDK. This includes support for Microsoft C 6.0/6.0a, 7.0 and Visual C++ 1.0 (16bit). Borland C++ 2.0, 3.0/3.1 and 4.0/4.02. Added bonus is Microsoft Fortran 5.0 and 5.1.
DOS / Ciriaco Garc¡a de Celis
2M 3.0 3.0
DISKETTE DRIVE CONTROLLER FOR STV DISKETTE FORMAT TECHNOLOGY After being executed without options, the program becomes resident in memory to support 2M disks built by 2MF. 2M is a ®CARDWARE¯ package. The distribution is only authorized WITHOUT MODIFY. How to get the complete package and license information with 2M /L. 2M requires: - An AT or above computer with diskette drives correctly set on SETUP. - At least one high-density floppy drive (double ones are not drived). - 5168 bytes of upper memory or 5264 bytes of conventional memory instead. - DOS and/or WINDOWS 3.X system, another environs are not still supported. - 2MF utility program to format 2M diskettes. þ 2M gives you: - Support for diskettes from 902K (5¬-DD) up to 3772K (3«-ED) on A: and B:. - INT 13h code improves a new 2M format service for high-level applications.
DOS / Ciriaco Garc¡a de Celis
2M 3.0 - Source Code 3.0
After being executed without options, the program becomes resident in memory to support 2M disks built by 2MF. 2M is a ®CARDWARE¯ package. The distribution is only authorized WITHOUT MODIFY. How to get the complete package and license information with 2M /L. þ 2M requires: - An AT or above computer with diskette drives correctly set on SETUP. - At least one high-density floppy drive (double ones are not drived). - 5168 bytes of upper memory or 5264 bytes of conventional memory instead. - DOS and/or WINDOWS 3.X system, another environs are not still supported. - 2MF utility program to format 2M diskettes. þ 2M gives you: - Support for diskettes from 902K (5¬-DD) up to 3772K (3«-ED) on A: and B:. - INT 13h code improves a new 2M format service for high-level applications.
DOS / Commodore Amiga, Inc.
3.1 Amiga Developer Update Disks 3.1
Welcome to the 3.1 Amiga Developer Update for Amiga developers. There is a lot of material here. The following contents listings should help you find individual items.
DOS / Sega Enterprises
32x DDK MAR01_95
This is the much sought after, SEGA 32x DDK. It includes assembly examples for the Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and a port of GCC to the SH2 / COFF for the 32x and the Sega Saturn. Also includes a bunch of technical bulletins, and internal sega tools, sample source code (to the famous SEGA logo on almost all carts!) etc. A must have for even the casual SEGA fan!
DOS / Qualitas
386MAX 6.01d
386MAX is a memory manager for DOS PCs with a 386 or higher CPU. Must be installed from an original disk. Can not be installed from files.
DOS / Qualitas
386Max 7.0
This is Qualitas 386Max 7.0 The zip includes serial (key.txt), installation files ( and the 7.0 -> 7.02 upgrade patch (700702.exe)
DOS / Qualitas
386max 8.03
Untested version. Not sure which year this was released in.
DOS / Phar Lap
386|Dos Extender 5.0
This is the PharLap 386|Dos Extender 5.0 from 1992. It has some hooks for the October 1992 NT SDK CD-Rom. Basically this is the last version of the 386 extender, it was all TNT after this release.
DOS / Phar Lap
386|Dos-Extender Development Version 6.0 6.0
The Pharlap 386|Dos-Extender version 6.0, also known as the TNT Dos extender. Use win32 features (threads/dlls) under MS-DOS!
BeOS / Patrick Lafarguette
3c920, 3Com 3c920 BeOS driver 0.0.10
This driver handles the network adapters based on the 3Com 3c920 chipset because the ec9xx claims to manage this cards but the network doesn't work.
BeOS / Patrick Lafarguette
3c940, 3Com 3C940 BeOS driver 0.0.4
This driver handles the gigabit Ethernet network adapters based on the 3Com 3C940 chipset. It is currently developed and tested on an Asus P4P800 Deluxe motherboard.
Windows 9x/ME / Copyright (c) 1995, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
3dfx_source_code Revision: 18
# # Copyright (c) 1995, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.; # the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or # duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written # permission of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. # # RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: # Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions # as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data # and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or # successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - # rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. # # $Revision: 18 $ # $Date: 5/26/99 2:52p $
Windows XP / 3DNA/MSI
3DNA is a 3D virtual environment shell that presents your computer as a series of 3D video-game like rooms. This version was bundled with MSI video cards. This archive contains the original ISO image.
Windows 9x/ME / Intel Corporation
440BX Chipset (AGP) 3.20.1008
Also works with Windows 2000 and XP. For Intel chipset 440DX 440EX 440GX 440LX 440ZX 440MX 430TX 810 810E 810E2 815 815E 815EM 815EP 815P 820 820E 840 850 860 830MP 815G 815EG.
DOS / J.P. Software
4DOS 3.01
4DOS is designed to help you get the most out of your IBM PC or compatible system. It replaces COMMAND.COM, the command interpreter that comes with all versions of MS-DOS and PC-DOS. You'll find 4DOS provides a wide variety of capabilities COMMAND.COM can't, ranging from a vastly enhanced DIR command, to point-and-shoot file selection for any command, to the ability to completely redefine your system's commands. Yet 4DOS is fully compatible with COMMAND.COM. 4DOS is a "DOS shell" (a program that gives you access to DOS functions and commands), but it's unlike most DOS shells on the market. Virtually all of these shells are designed to isolate the novice user from the DOS command line. 4DOS, on the other hand, is intended to make DOS easier to use and to make you more productive while working at the command line. It provides enhancements to most of the DOS commands, as well as more than 40 new commands. These improvements make 4DOS a much richer and more powerful working environment than COMMAND.COM, without sacrificing the compatibility, flexibility and control you get from working at the command line. If you're tired of the limitations of COMMAND.COM, you'll love 4DOS! Shareware.
4DOS 7.50
Command Processor replacment for any DOS version 3.0 or higher.
Windows 9x/ME / Nathan C Lineback
98Lite 2.06
Some people have been asking about older versions of 98lite, so here is one. This is 98Lite version 2.06 shareware. Be sure to check the readme, I'm mentioned in there! For the latest version of 98Lite (As of this writing, version 4.7) go to
Windows 9x/ME / LitePC
98lite 4.5
"...98lite speeds up Windows 98 and gives you the power to setup your computer, your way..."
Windows 9x/ME / LitePC
98Lite 4.7
"...98lite speeds up Windows 98 and gives you the power to setup your computer, your way..."
DOS / Apple
A Guided Tour of MacWrite and MacPaint May 1984
This is a software and audio cassette demonstration of Apple MacWrite and MacPaint. It visually guides you through the use of the applications. To use this software, boot this disk in an emulator or on a real Macintosh and begin playing the included cassette tape audio file.